European Policy for Intellectual Property Conference:
New Challenges to the Patent System
Munich, April 24/25 2003
This is the first conference of the Research project
funded by the European Commission within the Specific Programme
"Improving the Human Research Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base"
(key action " Improving the Socio-economic Knowledge Base ") Ve PCRD
N° contract : HPSE-CT-2002-60053
The Institute for Innovation Research at the University of Munich and the EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Consortium announce this conference and invite interested researchers to submit papers for presentation on April 24/25 of 2003. This is the first conference in a sequence of six events organized by the EPIP consortium. EPIP is a project funded by the European Community under the “Improving the Human Research Potential & the Socio-Economic Knowledge Base” key action (5th Framework Program). The conference will take place on the premises of the European Patent Office in Munich. Intellectual property rights are an important element of the international innovation system. This conference will seek to address topics of general interest in the area of intellectual property with a strong focus on new challenges to patent systems. Researchers from all social science disciplines (e.g., economics, law, sociology) are encouraged to submit empirical and theoretical papers to this conference or to participate. Issues of particular interest include:
• changes in subject matter coverage, in particular in software and business method patents and their implications
• likelihood, determinants and impact of patent litigation
• changes in and forecasting of the demand for patent protection
• incentives in sequential and cumulative invention processes
• “patent metrics”, e.g., the meaning of patent citations and other patent value indicators
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Conference Venue: European Patent Office, Munich
Plenary Meeting
Welcome by the Organizer
Dietmar Harhoff (University of Munich)
Welcome by the EPIP Coordinators
Dominique Foray (IMRI and OECD) and Jacques Mairesse (CREST and NBER)
9.30h-10.30hChair: Dietmar Harhoff, University of Munich and CEPR
Keynote Statements and Plenary Discussion
Manuel Desantes (European Patent Office)
Ciaran McGinley (European Patent Office)
The Design of the IP System in Europe – The Classical Model and Alternatives
Paul A. David (Stanford University and Oxford University)
Coffee Break
Chair: Dominique Foray (IMRI and OECD)
Plenary Presentation 1
David Encaoua (EUREQua, CNRS & University Paris I), Dominique Guellec (OECD) and Catalina Martinez (OECD)
The economics of patents: from natural rights to policy instruments
Discussant: Dietmar Harhoff (University of Munich)
Parallel Sessions I (A and B)
Session IA
Chair: Thorsten Teichert (University of Bern)
Knut Blind and Jakob Edler (ISI Karlsruhe)
Idiosyncracies of the Software Development Process and their Relation to Software Patents: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Evidence
Discussant: Volker Jordan (Weickmann & Weickmann)
Bronwyn H. Hall (University of California at Berkeley)
Business Method Patents in the United States
Discussant: Joshua Lerner (Harvard Business School and NBER)
Session IB
Chair: Manuel Trajtenberg (Tel Aviv University and NBER)
Peter Hingley and Marc Nicolas (EPO)
Methods for Forecasting Numbers of Patent Applications at the European Patent Office
Discussant: Pierre Mohnen (MERIT and University of Maastricht)
Gerhard Dikta (Fachhochschule Aachen)
Time series methods to forecast patent filings
Discussant: Jacques Mairesse (CREST and NBER)
14.00h-15.00hChair: Paul A. David (Stanford University and Oxford University)
Plenary Presentation 2
Joshua Lerner (Harvard Business School)
Patent Policy and Innovation over 150 Years
Discussant: Dominique Guellec (OECD)
Parallel Sessions II (A and B)
Session IIA
Chair: Dominique Foray (IMRI and OECD)
Susana Borrás (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Governing the European Union’s Intellectual Property Rights’ Regime: From market failures to government failures?
Discussant: Irina Dezhina (Moscow)
Dominique Foray (IMRI and OECD) and Shyama V. Ramani (University of Grenoble)
Knowledge products and knowledge artifacts: what kind of protection do they need?
Discussant: Alfonso Gambardella (S. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa).
Session IIB
Chair: Peter Hingley (European Patent Office)
Myriam Mariani MERIT, University of Maastricht and University of Camerino, Pisa (Italy)
What determines technological hits? Geography and firm competencies in biotechnology vs. “traditional” chemicals
Discussant: Carolin Socher (University of Munich)
Jacques Mairesse (INSEE-CREST) and Pierre Mohnen (MERIT and University of Maastricht)
R&D and productivity: the role of patents
Discussant: Manuel Trajtenberg (Tel Aviv University and NBER)
Coffee Break
Chair: Bronwyn H. Hall (University of California at Berkeley and NBER)
Plenary Presentation 3
Brian Kahin (Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan)
Bridging the Gap between Research and Policy
Discussant: Adam B. Jaffe (Brandeis University and NBER)
End of First Conference Day/Announcements
Conference Dinner – A Bavarian Evening at the Hofbräuhaus
Friday, April 25, 2003
Conference Venue: European Patent Office, Munich
Chair: Konrad Stahl (University of Mannheim)
Plenary Presentation 4
Jean O. Lanjouw (University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and the Center for Global Development)
Beyond TRIPS: A New Global Patent System for Pharmaceuticals
Discussant: Shyama V. Ramani (University of Grenoble)
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions III (A and B)
Session IIIA
Chair: David Encaoua (EUREQua, CNRS & University Paris I)
Timo Goeschl (University of Cambridge, UK) and Timothy Swanson (University College London, UK)
Pests, Plagues and Patents
Discussant: Konrad Stahl (University of Mannheim and CEPR)
Claude Henry (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Genes and the Patent Mechanism
Session IIIB
Chair: Jean O. Lanjouw (University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and the Center for Global Development)
Dieter Stauder (CEIPI Strasbourg and EPO)
Patent Litigation in Europe – Status Quo and New Developments
Discussant: Katrin Cremers (ZEW Mannheim)
Michael Lehmann (University of Munich)
New Copyright Law in the Digital World
Discussant: Christopher Heath (MPI Munich)
Chair: Brian Kahin (University of Michigan)
Plenary Presentation 5
Gerald Spindler (University of Göttingen)
The European Legal Framework for Software Patents
Chair: Jacques Mairesse (CREST and NBER)
Plenary Presentation 6
James Bessen and Robert M. Hunt
An Empirical Look at Software Patents
Discussant: Joachim Henkel (University of Munich)
Coffee Break
Panel Discussion - New Challenges to the Patent System
Moderator: Dominique Foray (IMRI and OECD)
Manuel Desantes (European Patent Office)
Adam B. Jaffe (Brandeis University and NBER)
Dominique Guellec (OECD)
Brian Kahin (University of Michigan)
Michael Lehmann (University of Munich)
Concluding Comments – Dietmar Harhoff and Dominique Foray